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AEM Manufacturing Express Participation Check List

Please ensure that this event, as outlined in the answers below, is covered under your company’s insurance policies and accommodated in your company's emergency procedures.

We recommend gathering the uploads and answers
to the questions in this form, before entering them within this online form.



Note: This form is only needed, if your company does not currently have a photo release form in place for company events. The form can be found at the link below:


Estimated number of employees at the company/facility where we are hosting the event: *

What is the estimated number of attendees at the Manufacturing Express event? *



Note: We will need an approximately 50’x30’ “event footprint” at your facility for the day of the event. This will need to be on as level a surface as possible. Please allow for space to maneuver a minimum 40’ bus into place. If this can be coned off the night before arrival, that would be helpful.


Ensure the location maintains an unobstructed
exit path for the bus throughout the duration of the event. Bus will likely
arrive an hour prior to scheduled event and depart an hour after event.

Ideally, the bus will be parked at a prominent
location on-site, with your facility building, company name and/or manufactured
equipment visible for photo opportunities. Please keep this in mind when
identifying a location for the bus.

What type of surface will we be setting up on? *

Is there power available and accessible near the footprint? *

Can you provide the use of an 8x10’ stage for opening announcements? *

If needed, do we have the ability to park the bus in place or in your parking lot overnight (either the night before or after the event)? *

Would you consider opening your facility to tours for VIP guests, media and/or community leaders? *


Who will attend the event? *

What is the estimated number of people who will attend the event? *

If the event is hosted offsite (e.g., county fair, community event, etc.): How many people do you estimate will stop by the Manufacturing Express? *


Are there restrooms available for the Manufacturing Express tour staff? *


Do you have a PR person on staff or work with a local agency? *

If your employees are covered under an established photo release, please confirm. If not, a photo release waiver can be downloaded in the "Photo Release Section" at the top of this form. *

We plan to post event photos on the and social media during the Tour.



In the case that there is inclement weather, is there an indoor space available? *

Is there power available and accessible inside? *


By clicking submit, I acknowledge that this information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that our company is committed to hosting the AEM Manufacturing Express, according to the information shared in this form.

All uploads and fields with an asterisk are required before submission is complete. A confirmation page will display after clicking the below button.